Hi Jack, I just wanted to thank you for all of your help during my last two sessions with you. Finding out my nutritional deficiencies was crucial for me I believe, because I do think that a majority of the problems that I have been having have a direct link to my magnesium deficiency. After doing research on this mineral I have all the classic symptoms of a deficiency, muscle twitches, spasms, anxiety, depression, etc. And when my anxiety was at the worst over the summer I had all of the symptoms of a severe deficiency, panic attacks, tenseness, nausea, throwing up, insomnia, twitches, hyper-vigilance jumping at any sound, and the list goes on. I went to the doctors numerous times, was referred to cardiologists, neurologists, and psychiatrists and everyone brushed it aside as anxiety and I was put on anxiety medication. Only the neurologist mentioned that I could try magnesium for my twitches, no one tested me for a deficiency, and I was not told what kind to take or how much. After going to the vitamin shoppe after my appointment with you last week I found out that when I did try the magnesium supplements for about 2 months after meeting with the neurologist that the kind I took ,magnesium oxide, that I got at CVS was a form that is poorly absorbed by the body and I was only getting about 4% of the magnesium from it, so its no wonder why I never saw an improvement on it when I did try it. After doing my research on magnesium and talking to someone at the Vitamin shop I am now on a more absorbable kind of magnesium and am confident that this will help me. I am so very thankful that you were able to provide me with the information I needed to know as to what my deficiencies are and what foods I am sensitive too. I have had a feeling all along that I was deficient in magnesium but could not understand why the supplement I was taking was not helping, and did not understand why my doctors could brush such serious symptoms of mine off as just anxiety, without doing further tests…I am thankful that I now know what my body needs, and what I can do to help it, I have been struggling with this for a very long time now and it feels good to now have a plan. I am looking forward to making a follow up appointment with you in a month or 2 too see how my body is responding to everything. Thank you again!