In October of 2011, I suffered a devastating burn to my right hand. 400 degree molten pumpkin from a frozen pie I had baked had exploded all over my hand when the pie plate collapsed as I was setting it to cool. It had created a 2nd-3rd degree burn on a large quadrant of my skin, and even after keeping my hand in a bucket of ice all night, 12 hours later, when I saw my physician, I was in agonizing pain. It felt like my hand was literally on fire. Following my doctor’s visit, I got to my morning appointment with Jack late and in terrible trauma. Jack worked on my hand, skillfully using his energy medicine to draw the pain out. As he worked, at a couple of points, I didn’t think I could endure it… I was feeling the heat being drawn out of my hand and it was very painful. At the end of the session, Jack kindly told me that he felt within an hour or two I would feel better. I will always remember my relief and gratitude, when his words came true! Within two hours, the agony had subsided. I had turned a corner. Although it was a long road to healing, Jack’s treatment made all the difference in my suffering. That level of pain not only subsided after that one treatment, but never returned. I was amazed and will be forever grateful for that dramatic healing that happened as a direct result of Jack Treiber’s kindness and gifts as a healer. He has helped me many times since, as well.